Market Making

basic maintenance

GK plays an important role in the basic maintenance of tokens

K-line chart: GK is responsible for providing liquidity for tokens on the exchange, constantly providing buy and sell quotes. Through our trading activities, we help shape the price movement of the token and maintain the candlestick chart of the token.

Daily trading volume: GK's trading activity has an impact on the daily trading volume of the token. Through the buy and sell quotes we provide, the trading activity of the token is promoted and the daily trading volume of the token is maintained.

Market Stability: GK's trading activities help maintain market stability. By providing continuous quote orders, we are able to reduce price fluctuations and make the market more stable and predictable.

Liquidity and Depth Adding

GK provides more opportunities for retail investors to trade by providing market order depth.

The depth of pending orders reflects the trading activities in the market and investors' trading willingness. By providing in-depth market entry orders, we are able to provide retail investors with a better trading experience, allowing them to conduct buying and selling operations more conveniently and participate in the market more effectively. This approach not only helps improve market liquidity, but also promotes market stability and healthy development.

Market value building

GK has extensive experience in token economic model design

GK conduct an in-depth study of the token’s economic model, including supply, inflation mechanism, governance rights distribution, etc., in order to better understand the intrinsic value and market demand of the token. Based on our in-depth understanding of the token economic model, we are able to formulate effective marketing and trading strategies to help tokens gain higher recognition and value in the market. Our goal is to provide token projects with the best market management services through our professional knowledge and experience, helping them establish higher market value and market position.


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